CELLstart™ CTS™ 用于细胞培养的成分确定的人源化(无异种成分)底物 。
GIBCO® CTS™ 产品线 enables you to reduce your burden in qualifying reagents during your transition from research applications to clinical applications.
•cGMP Manufactured to help ensure manufacturability and traceability
•GIBCO® CELLstart™ CTS™ enables you to reduce your burden in qualifying reagents during your transition from research to clinical applications.
CELLstart™ is a defined substrate, containing only components of human origin (xeno-free). CELLstart™ 支持人胚胎干细胞 (hESC) 的附着、未分化克隆的扩增以及无血清培养基中多能性和分化能力的维持,无需使用饲养层细胞。 CELLstart™ 也可用于间充质干细胞、神经干细胞和人诱导多能干细胞 (iPSC) 以及用于人饲养层细胞的附着(如包皮成纤维细胞)。